big net. They could once again drop the fishing net backinto the water and withdraw it more than ten minuteslater. Before the introduction of Chinese fishing nets,people in Cochin had caught fish sitting on canoes, whichproved to be very inefficient. The application of Chinesefishing nets not only greatly improved productivity, butalso saved labor and reduced the risks of sea fishing.Surprisingly, the Chinese fishing nets are still widelyused today. Nowadays, the sculpture of Chinese fishingnet erected on the beach beside the estuary of Cochin hasbecome a symbol of the city and a major tourist attraction.
Located in semi-tropical regions, the Champa Kingdomhad fertile land and plenty of rain, which was quitesuitable for paddy rice planting. Local farmers there,however, used to grow paddy rice only once a year. ZhengHe then sent someone to teach them how to improvethe planting methods and help them plant paddy ricethree times a year, which proved a success. In addition,local people were also taught to dig wells, take waterfor irrigation, build terraces on mountainsides and useChinese ploughs that were given them as a present. Eversince then, Champa Kingdom has grown famous forproducing paddy rice and the people there graduallyled a well-off life. In Malacca, the roofs of houses weremade of coconut leaves and canes. The house was notdivided into functional sections for dining, cooking or
sleeping, and the whole family slept together regardlessof gender. Zheng He dispatched his fellows to teach themhow to build houses and transported tiles there fromChina to make roofs. The local people were also toldhow to plant Chinese herbs to treat diseases. Many of themedicinal materials currently used in Southeast Asia wereintroduced from China during Zheng,s voyage.
Such countries as Calicut, Cochin, Kollam and Quilonsuffered from hot weather and summer diseases atthat time. The doctors on Zheng,s fleet actively treatedpatients with the medicine they carried, which, however,was not enough anyway. Then, the Chinese doctors usedthe Chinese skin scraping methods, which proved rathereffective and substituted part of the medicine. Since then,the traditional Chinese therapy has gained popularityamong the Indian Peninsula.
Cotton had never been planted in such East Africancountries like Mogadiscio, Brava and Juba. After hisarrival, Zheng He found the soil there was very suitablefor cotton planting. He gave local residents Chinese seedsand taught them to plant cotton, which proved quiteeffective. Africans who had never grown cotton, of course,didn,t have knowledge of spinning. Zheng He taughtthem how to spin threads out of cotton and how to makesimple looms by binding wood sticks into a bracket. Localwomen learnt to use shuttles and weave cotton cloth.
Since then, the people in those African countries have leda better life with cotton cloth and nicer clothes.
The places where Zheng,s fleet reached also hadabundant products, many of which were daily necessitiesin China. For instance, the spices produced in SoutheastAsia were diverse but of high quality. The discoveryand use of a wide range of spices was really a greatcontribution by the people of Southeast Asia to worldcivilization. Given the importance of spices, EmperorYongle sent Zheng He to buy spices in large quantitiesand bring them to China.
Trade of fragrant medicines between China andSoutheast Asia had long existed prior to Zheng He,svoyages. Imported fragrant medicines were luxuriesexclusive to the rich and inaccessible to common people.But Zheng He,s voyages changed that pattern by pushingthe trade in fragrant medicines to its height, which furtherenriched China,s food culture. For example, peppers,a result of the ocean trade initiated by Zheng He, weresold everywhere in the Chinese market and even usedas a substitute for coins. These peppers, which becamecheaper and cheaper, turned into daily necessities ratherthan precious goods.
The bird,s nest that Zheng,s fleet brought back fromSoutheast Asia enriched traditional Chinese herbs andChinese food culture. It has been noted that the sailors