of the fleet, when reaching the northern bank of Borneo,learned to make bird,s nest soup from local people toimprove their diet. Upon their return, they presented thebird,s nest produced in Southeast Asia to Emperor Yongle,who spoke highly of it. Bird,s nest soon gained popularityacross China. Meanwhile, the Chinese herbs taken byZheng,s fleet to Asian and African countries, includingginseng, muskiness, rhubarb, cinnamon, Tuckahoe andginger, diversified local varieties.
Rare animals and plants Zheng He,s fleet introducedto China also included kylins (giraffes), lions, midgetcrabapple, fontanesia forrunei, Sal tree, ambergris,eaglewood, Aloeswood and senecio cannabifolius. Thisincreased knowledge in China and enriched Chineseanimal and plant species.
The fontanesia forrunei (or “five-grain tree” in Chinese)brought back by Zheng He was known as the “sacredtree.” Both the Bao,en Temple and Tianjie Temple inNanjing had one. It got its name from its fruit thatresembles five kinds of grains-paddy rice, wheat, soybean, corn and broomcorn-in shape. It was said thatthe “five-grain tree” could portend the crop harvest ofthe next year. Farmers would stand under the tree andwatch the fruits carefully every time as the spring sowingapproached. The grain that the greatest number of thefruits in the tree resembled would be planted that year.
The trees have now been widely distributed in such areasas Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Henan.
Zheng He,s fleet also introduced glass-makingtechniques. Zheng Zi Tong, written by Zhang Zilie ofthe Ming Dynasty said, “Eunuch Sanbao of the MingDynasty, after sailing to the Western Oceans, broughtback two technicians who could burn glass.” That wasthe beginning of glass-burning in China. Glass had beenconsidered precious until the middle Ming Dynasty,underscoring Zheng He,s great contributions to China,sglass industry.
Chinese books are among the material carriers ofChinese culture. Zheng,s fleet gave Chinese books toother Asian and African countries as gifts, with a view tospreading traditional Chinese culture and advocating suchconcepts long cherished by the Chinese people as “peaceis valued,” “working together with one heart in times ofdifficulty,” “living in harmony” and “sharing commonpeace.” When visiting Siam, Zheng He once donated 100“Legendaries of Heroic Chinese Women” to the local people,in a bid to teach them about the heroines, honor, clemencyand peace, and become more dutiful, more enlightenedand less aggressive. During Zheng He,s voyages, manyenvoys to China requested the imperial government togive them Chinese books and agreed to exchange themfor their local products. The kingdoms of Champa, Java
and Siam had a great number of Chinese books, which thekings and ministers often used to teach their children. Theking of Champa even ordered an institute of traditionalChinese culture be set up to instruct youths about TheFour Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean,The Confucian Analects, and The Works of Mencius) and TheFive Classics (The Book of Songs, The Book of History, The Bookof Changes, The Book of Rites, and The Spring and AutumnAnnals).
Spiritual cultural exchanges
The spread of Islam was one of the most significantevents in the history of Southeast Asia. Zheng He,svoyages played a very big role in helping spread Islamin Southeast Asia. In every one of his stays in such areasas Java, he would vigorously join in the spread of Islam.Following Zheng,s visit to Java in 1405, Chinese Islamicparishes appeared in the Old Port in 1407. Mosques weresuccessively built in Andro, Cirebon, Tuban, Gresik,Ruoban and Java in Jakarta in 1411. In 1413 when Zheng,sfleet stopped at Semarang, Zheng He and his attendants,Ma Huan and Fei Xin, went together to the local mosqueto pray. By 1430, Zheng He had laid a sound foundationin Java for the embrace of Islam. He advocated Islam inChinese in Java, the Old Port and Kalimantan Barat, andestablished Chinese Muslim communities as well, which
played a big role in spreading Islam in Indonesia.
Zheng He greatly supported Malacca to become astrong Islamic kingdom. In 1409, the Chinese emperorentrusted Zheng He to confer the title of King of Malaccaon Jayaviravarman, awarding him the silvery seal, crownsand robes. The growth of the nation gave impetus to itsproselytism, which made it an important commercialcenter and a center for Islam in Southeast Asia.
Zheng He made an immense contribution to the spreadand development of Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia. Inthis sense, Zheng He can be reputed as a navigator whoconnected China with the Muslim world.