surrounding areas clapped their hands and praised ZhengHe,s actions. People in Sanfoqi elected Shi Jinqing astheir leader to manage local affairs. The Ming DynastyGovernment conferred the title of Jiugang Xuanweishi toShi Jinqing. Xuanweishi was an official position set up bythe Government of the Ming Dynasty among minoritynationalities and remote areas. The Xuanweishi was incharge of military and civil affairs. The position wasusually assumed by local people. Jiugang Xuanweishiwas the only administrative institute of the Ming Dynastyin Southeast Asia. At that time, the relationship betweenJiugang and the Ming Dynasty became closer than withany other overseas countries and became subsidiary innature.
On Sept. 21, 1407 (the second day of September inthe traditional Chinese calendar), Zheng He returned toNanjing after completing his first voyage to the westernoceans. The voyage lasted more than two years. EmperorYongle rewarded soldiers and officials that served withdistinction and congratulated all members of the fleet.
The second voyage to the western oceans(1407-1409)
In order to establish friendly relationships with moreoverseas countries, Emperor Yongle ordered Zheng He toprepare for the second voyage after resting in Nanjing for
a few days.
On October 2, 1407 (the 13 th day of September of theChinese traditional calendar), Zheng He launched the fleetin another voyage to the western oceans. This time, thefleet departed from Liujiagang in Taicang and berthed atthe Taiping Port, Changle, Fujian for the monsoon. Afterthe monsoon, the fleet sailed to the south and arrived inZhancheng. Then, the fleet sailed to Java from Zhancheng.
This time, the main purpose for Zheng He,s visit to Javawas to collect 60,000 liang gold of compensation from thewest king of Java for the wrongly killing Chinese seamen.However, the west king could not pay the compensation.He only paid 20,000 liang of gold, and 40,000 liangremained unpaid. Emperor Yongle said he would besatisfied as long as the west king realized his mistakeand exempted the king from paying the rest. The king ofwest Java was awed by Zheng He,s military forces and, ingratitude, was sincerely convinced. Java has kept friendlyrelationships with China since then and the resolution ofthe matter improved the reputation of China in Nanyang.
After the visit to Java, Zheng He,s fleet sailed to SiamState (today,s Thailand). Siam was a state that believedthe Theravada Buddhism. There were plenty of temples inthe country, which was known as the country of the 1,000Buddhas.
Zheng He was warmly welcomed by the king of Siam
and was carried by servants on chair covered by anembroidered umbrella. The king of Siam threw a banquetto welcome Zheng He and talked about the friendly tiesbetween the two countries. Zheng He dispatched peopleto teach advanced technologies such as wood cutting,ceramics making, salt shinning, well drilling and terraceexploration to local people, greatly benefiting the country.In order to extend his thanks to Zheng He, the king ofSiam ordered the construction of a Zheng He temple andcarved a 10-meter recumbent statue of Zheng He.
In Siam, Zheng He dispatched some vessels to visitZhenla (today,s Cambodia). The Chinese guests werewarmly receipted by the king of Zhenla. The king told theChinese envoys that when Zhancheng dispatched armiesto attack them, the emperor of Ming Dynasty mediatedbetween Zhancheng and their country, stopping thefighting and establishing friendly ties between the twocountries. The king insisted that the people in Zhenlawould not forget the favor.
After leaving Siam, Zheng He,s fleet passed Manlajiaand sailed westward to the Indian Ocean. The fleetarrived in Cochin (today,s Cochin in India). Cochinwas one of India,s important ports for foreign trade atthe time. Cochin has the Arabian Sea to the west, hugemountains to the east and borders on the sea in the west,south and north. Vessels of the fleet could easily arrive
at Cochin. When Zheng He,s fleet arrived at the beach ofCochin, the king and local residents of the country stoodat the beaches and warmly welcomed the Chinese guests.