Cochin has a humid temperature and plenty of rainfall.About half of the days in any given year are rainy andthe other half sunny. The country teems with spices andis known as the “the State of Spices.” Spices, pearls andgems were the country,s three major exports. Cochinbusinessmen traded with Zheng He,s fleet.
After departing from Cochin, some of the vessels fromZheng He,s fleet sailed to Ganbali (today,s Cape Comarinon the southern tip of Indian Peninsula) and Ababadan(today,s Ahmedabad, India) for a visit. Most of the vesselssailed southward to Xilanshan (today,s Sri Lanka).
Xilanshan was called Simghala in ancient times. It waslocated in the sea to the south of the Indian Peninsula andwas a communications center for offshore traffic betweenthe Pacific Ocean and West Asia, Europe and Africa. It wasa place had to be passed by east-to-west shipping lines.In its first voyage, Zheng He,s fleet arrived in Xilanshan.The king of Xilanshan was arrogant and wanted to takeadvantage of Zheng He. Zheng He felt this and decidedto leave the country. Despite this, Zheng He still visitedXilanshan with a letter of credence from Emperor Yongleand gifts, hoping to establish friendly ties with thecountry. Zheng He gave gold and silver, silk, incense and
郑和船队离开柯枝国后,分出部分船只至甘巴里(今印度半岛南端的科摩林角)、阿拔巴丹(今印度的阿默达巴德)进行访问,主船队则南下来到锡兰山 (今斯里兰卡) 访问。
candles to many temples in the country, and set up a stonestele on the first day of February of 1409 in the traditionalChinese calendar. The Stele for Donation to Temples inXilanshan was engraved in three languages-Chinese,Persian and Tamil. Besides recording the articles donated,the words in three different languages expressed praisefrom Zheng He and other envoys of the Ming Dynasty fortheir contributions to Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism.
The expression of praise to the three religions in threelanguages on one stele reflected Zheng He,s respect tothe religious belief of all western countries and his tenetof establishing a peaceful international environment anddeveloping business and trade, promoting China andforeign economic and cultural exchanges by spreadingthe peaceful diplomatic policies of the Ming Dynastythrough religious activities. The stele showcased thefriendly policies of China in Ming Dynasty to the worldand enhanced China,s influence in overseas countries. Thestele is now stored at the National Museum of Colombo inSri Lanka.
After completing his visit to Xilanshan, Zheng Hereturned China through the Strait of Malacca and arrivedin Nanjing in June 1409 of the traditional Chinesecalendar. The voyage lasted one year and six to sevenmonths.
The third voyage to the western oceans (1409-1411)
In his first two voyages, Zheng He established friendlyties with many countries in Southeast Asia. Aimingto reinforce and develop those ties, Emperor Yonglehad started planning a third voyage before Zheng Hereturned from his second. Shortly after Zheng He,s returnto Nanjing, he started the third voyage with more than27,000 seamen, 48 large vessels and more than 100 othervessels.
That September, Zheng He,s fleet departed fromthe Liujiagang Port and arrived at the Taiping Port, inChangle, Fujian Province. In December, the fleet sailedfrom Wuhumen. A total of 48 huge vessels with 12 sailseach sailed for 12 days and arrived in the Xinzhou Portof Zhancheng (in today,s Quy Nhon, Vietnam). At thattime, the Government of Ming Dynasty had successfullystopped an invasion to Zhancheng by Annan and helpedZhancheng take back the lands occupied by Annan.Therefore, the king of Zhancheng led officials of thecountry to welcome the envoys from the Ming Dynastyoutside the city. The king wore gold flower crowns onhis head and five-colored dresses, rode a huge elephantand was surrounded by an honor guard of over 500people. Some members of the honor guard held swordsand spears, some waved leather plates, some beat drums
and others played the flute to express their respect andwelcome the envoys. When Zheng He announced theimperial decrees of Emperor Yongle and gave gifts tothe king and officials, the king of Zhancheng got off theelephant and accepted the gifts deferentially. A grandwelcome ceremony was then held at the palace. Accordingto local tradition, people drank with bamboo suckersaround a big vat and talked about the friendship of thetwo countries.
Zheng He,s fleet then left Zhancheng for a visit toZhenla. The fleet also visited the Angkor Ancient Relics240 kilometers away from Phnompenh and learnt muchabout Buddhist architecture. These trips later providedan important reference to Zheng He,s construction of theNanjing Grand Bao,en Temple and the Glazed Pagodawhen he governed Nanjing.
Zheng He,s fleet left Zhenla and sailed southward.After a short visit to Temasek (today,s Singapore), the fleetturned and sailed westward and arrived in Manlajia.