
第40章 甘蔗

1.Have you “a sweet tooth”?Do you like things with sugar in them?If you do (and I am almost sure that you do),you will like this lesson,for it will tell you where sugar comes from,and all about it.

2.Sugar is found in the juice or sap of many plants.You cannotsee the sugar,because it is dissolved in the water of the juice.

Sugar dissolves so well that one pound of water can dissolve three pounds of sugar.

3.The sweetness of most fruits is caused by a kind of sugar called grape-sugar.You know that grapes taste sweet.Now raisins are just dried grapes;and if you cut open some raisins,you will be sure to find inside them many little hard grains of this grape-sugar.

4.But the sugar which we use to sweeten our tea,and which is sold in all the grocers‘shops as “lump-sugar”or “brown sugar,”is made either from the juice of the plant called the sugar-cane,or from that of another plant called the beet.

5.The sugar-cane grows in very hot countries.It is a tall kind of grass,about twice the height of a man.Its smooth,shining stems①are about two inches thick,and they have knots or jointsat every five or six inches.

6.These stems are filled with soft pith,which contains②a sweet juice when the sugar-cane is fully grown and ripe.The plant has long,straight and narrow leaves,and at the top there grows a tassel③of rose-coloured flowers about two feet in length.

7.Black men dig the ground,and plant the sugar-cane;for the countries where sugar grows are too hot for white men to work in.When the plants are fully grown,the black men cut them off near the ground with bigSUGAR-CANE(甘蔗)①Stems,stalks.

②Contains,has in it.

③Tassel,head of flowers like a tassel;an ornament made of a bunch of silk,wool,etc.,ending in hanging threads or cords.

sharp knives,strip off the leaves and the flowers,and cut up the stems into pieces about two feet long.

8.You may be sure that both the black men and the little black boys and girls suck many pieces of the stems every day.The sweet juice is a goodfood,and all the negroes①become fatand strong at the time when the cane is being cut.

9.A great deal of sugar is now made in France②and in Germany,from the juiceof a kind of beet,a plant with a white root,somewhat like a big turnip.It is very like the red beet-root which we cut up into slices and use as a vegetable.If you have eaten any of that,you must have noticed how sweet it tastes.There is far more sugar in the white beet,however,than in the red beet.




Sugar is found in the juices of many plants and fruits,but it is chiefly made from the juice of the sugar-cane and the beet.The sugar-cane is a tall kind of grass which grows in very hot countries.Its stems,which contain a sweet juicy pith,are about two inches thick.They grow about twice the height of a man,and have a tassel of flowers at the top.The beet is a plant with a white root somewhat like a turnip.

①Negroes,black people.

②France,Germany,countries of Europe.


1.小朋友,你爱吃甜食吗?①你喜欢加糖的东西吗?要是你喜欢(我差不多肯定你会喜欢),你也会喜欢这一课,因为这一课告诉你的,正是糖的来源,以及关于糖的一切!②2.很多植物的汁液,或者树汁,里面都有糖。但是这种糖是看不见的,因为它溶解在汁液的水分里面了。糖的可溶性非常好,一磅水能溶解三磅糖呢!③3.多数水果的甜味,来自一种叫做“葡萄糖”的糖。你知道葡萄吃起来是甜的。晒干了的葡萄叫葡萄干,英语是raisin;把葡萄干切开,就肯定能在里面,找到很多这种葡萄糖粒。④4.不过,我们放在茶里的糖,在所有杂货店里卖的糖,叫做“方糖”或者“红糖”(lump-sugar和brown sugar),这种糖要么是一种叫“甘蔗”


5.甘蔗生长在非常炎热的地区,是一种长得很高的草,差不多有成年人高度的两倍。甘蔗的茎很光滑,有光泽,直径大概有两英寸;每5-6英寸就分一个“节”。⑥6.甘蔗茎里面充满了柔软的“髓”,英语是pith;等到甘蔗完全长大成熟了,髓里面就会充满汁液。甘蔗长着又长又直的窄叶子,顶端有一个穗子,英语叫tassel,大约有两英尺长,长满了玫瑰色的花朵。⑦7.黑人工人会把地挖出坑来,把甘蔗种下去;因为这些地区太热,白人工人没办法工作。甘蔗完全长大之后,黑人工人会用锋利的大刀子把甘蔗从接近地面的地方砍断,把叶和花都剥掉,把茎切成大概两英尺的段子。⑧8.你大概知道,成年的黑人和黑人小朋友,每天都会吃掉很多段甘蔗。甘蔗的甜汁是一种很好的食物,收甘蔗的时候,黑人们都吃得又胖又壮。⑨9.现在,法国和德国也出产大量的糖,这些糖是用一种叫“甜菜”的植物汁液制造的。甜菜长着白色的根,看上去很像一棵大号的郁金香。还有一种红色的甜菜根,我们把这种甜菜根切成片当菜吃。要是你吃过,一定会注意到,甜菜根有多么甜。不过,白色甜菜根的含糖量,却比红色甜菜根高得多。⑩译注①“对甜食的爱好”英语是a sweet tooth,直译过来就是“一颗甜牙”,有意思吧?英语跟汉语非常不一样,所以有很多表达方法,中国人看来很有趣。你将来还会看到很多!









⑩甜菜属于“被子植物门”、“双子叶植物纲”、“石竹目”、“藜科”。课文里说的两种甜菜,白色根的是“糖用甜菜”,红色根的是“食用甜菜”,也叫“红甜菜”。此外,还有“饲用甜菜”和“叶用甜菜”。德国化学家安德里斯·马格拉夫(Andreas Marggraf)在1747年发现甜菜里有糖。1801年,他的学生在波兰建立了第一家甜菜制糖厂。甜菜喜欢比较凉的气候,而甘蔗只能在热带生长,所以从19世纪初开始,欧洲大陆广泛用甜菜来制糖,弥补甘蔗制糖的不足。这本书出版的时候,英国的甜菜制糖还很少,直到1914-1917年第一次世界大战的时候,英国的糖进口受到威胁,才开始跟欧洲大陆一样,大量用甜菜制糖。机械化的甜菜制糖法引入中国,最早可能是在1906年左右的黑龙江,第一座加工厂是1908年建立的。现在,中国的甜菜主要分布在北纬40度以北的地区,如黑龙江、内蒙古、新疆、吉林、甘肃、宁夏,其中黑龙江是最大产区。目前,全世界生产的蔗糖,有大约30%是用甜菜生产的,中国则有20%是用甜菜生产的。