announce,tell of.banners,flags.collected,gathered.commander,leader.dales,lowland valleys.
dismounted,got off their horses.
1.In the reign of King Stephen,a battle was fought between the Normans and the Scots,which is known in history as the Battle of the Standard.It deserves to be spoken of at length,because it was the first occasion on which the Norman lance and the Scottish broadsword crossed in battle.
2.King Stephen’s claim to the English throne was resisted by Matilda,or Maud,the daughter of Henry the First and the widow of Count Geoffrey of Anjou.
3.David the First of Scotland,although a very quiet King,more given to building abbeys and growing flowers than to shedding blood,marched three times into the north of England to fight in behalf of Matilda against the soldiers of King Stephen.The third invasion brought him into the north of Yorkshire.All was fright and hurry among the English farmers and monks who dwelt in that part of the land;for the approach of the Scottish King had been so swift that there was no time for Stephen to reach the scene of action.
4.The old Archbishop of York collected an army-a strange force,whose leaders were chiefly clergymen.In order to give an appearance of religion to the muster,he got a four-wheeled car,and tying strongly to its centre the mast of a ship,he placed at the top of this pole a large cross;under which,spreading like wings on each side,were the banners of three saints,held in great reverence in that part of England.In the centre of the cross was set a silver box,containing a little cake of bread which had received the blessing of the priest.
5.Around this standard,which gave its name to the battle,the English army gathered on the moor of Northallerton.There were two kinds of fighting-menin the English army;-Norman knights dressed in steel armour,and equipped with lances and swords;and English yeomen,armed with long bows,and arrows a full yard from point to notch.
6.The Scottish army was made up of very different kinds of soldiers.Following a bunch of heather on a lance,which was all the standard they boasted,came a few knights and men in armour,a body of Lowland pikemen with breastplates,and a number of archers from the dales.Then came a rabbleaof half-naked men from Gallowayand the Highlands,some carrying long
pikes,and others armed with broadswords and leathern targets.
7.The Galloway men so troubled King David by their clamours for a front place in the battle,that he was forced to allow them to begin the attack.They advanced through a fog towards the position of the other army.There happened to be in David‘s camp at the time two nobles connected as owners of land with both Scotland and England,and therefore very anxious to bring about a peace.They bore the great historic names of Bruce and Baliol.Having tried all they could to turn David from the war,they took horse,and rode away to the camp at Northallerton to announce the approach of the Scots.
8.When the Bishop of Durham,who acted as commander of the English force,heard the news,he gathered his men round the standard car,from which he read a prayer and made a speech Scarcely had he finished,when through thebmist were heard the shouts of “Alban!Alban!”
-the Highland war-cry.
9.Then the torrent of wild men came streaming on in a furious rush.For a moment the solid array of the Norman knights,who had dismounted and were standing around the banner of the saint,reeled and broke;but it was only for a moment.They soon closed again around the car,and the stalwart Yorkshiremen made such havoc with their bows,that the Highlanders retired in confusion like a wave that had broken itself on an opposing rock.
10.But wave after wave flowed on;and the northern warriors did not pause until nearly all their spears and swords were broken in the unequal strife.The lance and the armour had beaten the broadsword and the plaid;but the Norman knights and men-at-arms had learned how hard a Scotsman could smite with his wheeling blade,and how bravely he could pour his life out infighting the battles of his King.
a Galloway,a district in the south west of Scotland,comprising Wigtown and Kirkcudbright.
b Alban,Albyn,or Alpin,the Highland name for Scotland,is the same word as Albion,the name given to the whole island in early times.The name is believed to mean “White Island,”and was probably given tothe island by the Gauls on account of the chalk cliffs of the south coast,the part of the country first seen bythem.