‘Mong sea-beasts do they drift forlorn?We were as lions hungry for battle;God has made our battle his own!
God has scattered them,sunk,and shattered them:Give the glory to him alone!
While our oath we swear By the name we bear,By England’s Queen,and England free and fair,-Hers ever,and hers still,come life,come death:
God save Elizabeth!
a Drake and Frobisher,etc.-Captains of the English fleet.Lord Howard of Effingham was the Commander-in-Chief and Admiral.Sir Francis Drake was the first English man that sailed round the world.b Seven-mile crescent.-The Spanish fleet advanced in a crescent shaped line,the ends of which were seven miles apart.
c The Orcades.-The Orkney Isles,where some of the Spanish ships were wrecked.
2.西多尼亚,里卡尔德,还有莱瓦a 在甲板上注视着英军舰队,眼神不屑一顾;菲利普的王公大臣言道:
a 西多尼亚、里卡尔德、莱瓦:都是西班牙舰队将领,梅迪纳·西多尼亚公爵为最高指挥官。
b 克雷西:位于法国北部,黑王子曾于1346年在此地取得大捷。
c 弗洛登:位于英格兰北部,英格兰人曾于1513年在此地打败了苏格兰人。
a 德雷克等人:均为英军舰队的指挥官,埃芬汉姆的霍华德勋爵是最高司令官,弗朗西斯·德雷克勋爵是第一个完成环球航行的英国人。
b 七英里长的圆弧:西班牙舰队先是排列成一道圆弧,尾部有七英里之遥。
c 奥卡迪斯:即奥克尼群岛,一部分西班牙舰船在此沉没。
d F.T.帕尔格雷夫(1824~1897):即Francis Turner Palgrave,英国文学批评家与诗人。
at court,among those who attended on her.commerce,trade with other lands.Established Church,Church set up by law.hardware,metal goods.
her crime,having kept-back the ring.rash,hasty;thoughtless.
vanity,fondness for dress.
1.Elizabeth,though she never married,had great favourites at Court.Towards the close of her life her chief favourite was the Earl of Essex,a brave and generous young nobleman,but rash and headstrong.
2.He was in the army,and having been sent to Ireland to put down a rebellion,he displeased Elizabeth by making peace with the rebels and going home without leave.For this he was turned out of office,and sent to prison;but the Queen forgave him.
3.He,however,afterwards raised a rebellion against her;but he was taken prisoner,and condemned to die.Now the Queen had once given him a ring,telling him that if ever he should get into trouble,and should send that ring to her,she would protect him.
4.Essex,lying in prison,thought of the ring,and sent it to Elizabeth by the Countess of Nottingham;but her husband was no friend to Essex,and would not allow her to give it up.Elizabeth,no doubt,also thought of the ring,and quite expected it to be sent;but it never came,and Essex was beheaded in the Tower.
5.Two years afterwards,when the Countess lay on her death-bed,she confessed her crime to the Queen.As soon as Elizabeth heard her words,she was so enraged that she shook the dying Countess,and said,“God may forgive you,but I never will.”
6.The Queen never got over her grief.She lay ten days and nights on pillows on the floor,refus-ing to take either food or medicine;and died,most likely of a broken heart,in the seventieth year of her age,and the forty-fifth of her reign.With her ended the House of Tudor.
7.Elizabeth was a learned as well as a clever woman.Like all the Tudors,she was strong-willed,and angry when opposed;but she tried to make England a great nation,and she succeeded.Her weak points were her vanity and her fondness for favourites.
8.In this reign two famous Acts were passed;-the Act of Supremacy,bywhich all servants of the State had to take an oath declaring Elizabeth to bebHead of the Church;and the Act of Conformity,by which all persons wereforbidden to worship except according to the forms of the Established Church.Under these two Acts many Roman Catholics were put to death;and the Puritans,who wished what they called a pure and simple form of worship,were fined and imprisoned.
9.Two events of this time,connected with the Reformation on the Continent,had a great effect on England.The one was the massacre of St.Bartholomew in France (1572);the other was the rise of the Dutch Republic (1576).Hundreds of work-people fleeing from their persecutors-silkweavers from France,and wool-dressers from Flanders-then settled in England,and greatly improved the manufactures of the country.
10.Notes of Progress.-In this reign the first voyage of an English ship round the world was made,by Sir Francis Drake.Tea was brought from China.by the Dutch;potatoes and tobacco from America by Sir WalterRalegh.Birmingham and Sheffield became famous for hardware,and Manchester for the cotton manufacture.The first newspaper,called The English Mercurie,appeared in this reign.
11.Under the Tudors,England became great and powerful.After the defeat of the Armadashe was mistress of the seas.Commerce wasSIR FRANCIS DRAKE.
greatly advanced,and many unknown lands were discovered.Learning was much advanced by persons of rank,and knowledge was more widely spread among the people.
a Act of supremacy.-An Act declaring the Queen to be the supreme or highest power in the Church.