b Act of Conformity.-An Act requiring all persons to conform to the rules and worship of the Church.Those who refused to do so were called Nonconformists;that is,Dissenters.
a 至尊法案:此法案规定女王在教会中拥有最高权力。
b 国教法案:此法案规定所有人都必须遵守法定教规,按规定到指定教堂参加礼拜。拒绝遵守此法案的人被称为异类教徒,也即反国教教徒。
apparently,as it seemed.bestowed,gave;conferred.considered,thought.palsied,trembling.pitiable,wretched.
prophecy,foretelling;prediction.recovered,got better.succession,next sovereign.utterance,speech;voice.violently,with great force.
1.It is said that the Queen,at a time of great friendship and good will towards the young Earl of Essex,gave him as a keepsake a ring,telling him to send it to her if ever he found himself in any danger or distress,and that on receiving it she would give him help.He wore it for a good while before any need to use it arose;but at length,after trying to raise a rebellion in London against the very Queen who had bestowed the gift,he found himself in prison and in exceeding great danger of losing his head.
2.He then bethought him of the ring;and one day he gave it to a lady,athe Countess of Nottingham,with the request thatshe would take it to theQueen with as little delay as possible.The Countess‘s husband was the enemy and rival of Essex,and he would gladly have had him put out of the way.When the Earl insisted that she should not give the ring to the Queen,the Countess yielded to his commands.Bitterly angry at what she considered the pride of the imprisoned Earl,Elizabeth gave orders for his death,and his head was taken off within the walls of the Tower.
3.She seems never to have fully recovered from the shock of his death.We are told that there came to her one day from the Countess of Nottingham,who was then lying at the point of death,a message,earnestly desiring a visit from Her Grace the Queen.Elizabeth went;but,when the poor dying woman gasped out with faint utterance her confession of the fraud which had been practised with regard to the ring,the Queen rose like a mad-woman,and seizing thea Countess of Nottingham.-Her husband was Howard of Effingham,who commanded against the Spanish Armada.He had been at one time a friend of Essex,but they had quarrelled.Nottingham had commanded the army that had put down Essex’s rebellion.
feeble sufferer by the arms,shook her violently,scolding her fiercely all the time.
4.By-and-by Elizabeth began to show distinct signs of failing health.She slept very little,and took scarcely any food;and her mouth and throat were so hot,that she was obliged to sip cooling liquids almost constantly.Some idle words of pretended prophecy,to the effect that she was to die in a certain bed,so weighed on her mind that she refused to go to bed at all.She lay on cushionspiled on the floor,with her fore-finger always in her mouth like a little child,and her eyes staring gloomily on the ground-a very pitiable wreck of that strong-minded woman who had held the sceptre of England with firm hand for nearly half a century.
5.Her attendants lifted her by force into bed,where she lay apparently listening to the Bishops,who crowded her chamber for the purpose of giving her spiritual advice and comfort in her last hours.Some of the Ministers of State came in to ask about the succession;upon which the daughter of the Tudor spoke sharply out:“My seat has been the seat of Kings-I will have norascal to succeed me.”
6.And when the Lords pressed her for an explanation of her words,she declared that she referred to her cousin of Scotland as the fit person to succeed her.The last action which her palsied hands performed,after her tongue had lost the power of utterance,was to make a motion over her head,as if she were pointing to a crown.Then,sinking into a sleep which ended in stupor,she passed away from life so quietly that hardly any one could tell the moment of her death.
2.事到如今,他想起了这枚戒指。于是有一天,他将戒指交给了一位女士,诺丁汉伯爵的夫人a,并让她以最快的速度将此物交给女王伊丽莎白。但是伯爵夫人的丈夫却正好是埃塞克斯伯爵的死对头,埃塞克斯伯爵失势倒台,对他而言正中下a 诺丁汉伯爵的夫人:她的丈夫就是埃芬汉姆的霍华德勋爵,曾指挥英国海军打败了西班牙无敌舰队。他与埃塞克斯伯爵曾有过朋友之谊,但是最后闹翻了;正是他最后率军平息了埃塞克斯伯爵的叛乱。