architecture,designing houses.
luxurious,fond of fine living.
pillion,a cushion behind the saddle.reduced,brought down;lowered.unmolested,not disturbed.
wattles,twigs;slender branches.
1.Before the English Reformation crime was fearfully common.In the reign of Henry the Eighth about two thousand persons were hanged in a year for robbery alone.In the days of Elizabeth the number was reduced to three or four hundred a year.Most of the silver coins now current were in use,crowns,half-crowns,and sixpences having been issued by Edward the Sixth.
2.The Tudor style of architecture has been called Florid,from the amountof ornament on the buildings.Henry the Seventh‘s Chapel at Westminster is a good example of the style.Brick and stone were beginning to be used in the houses of the great,and glass windows became common.The poor lived in hovels made of wattles plastered over with clay.The fire was in the middle of the floor,and the smoke escaped through a hole in the blackened roof.This was the case in all houses until the reign of Henry the Seventh,when chimneys began to be built.
3.Erasmus,a Professor of Greek at Oxford under Henry the Eighth,gives no pleasant description of the floors of the poorer houses.He says:“The floors are commonly of clay,strewed with rushes;under which lies unmolested an ancient collection of beer,grease,fragments,bones,and everything that is nasty.”To these uncleanly habits were owing the terrible plagues that fell on the people.
4.In Elizabeth’s time,however,houses were built chiefly of oak.Then,too,many changes were made in furniture.Bedding was much improved.In early Tudor reigns,a straw pallet,a coarse sheet and rug,and a log of wood for a bolster were commonly used.The man whose head lay on a pillow of chaff was thought luxurious.Servants lay on bare straw.
5.Before the time of Elizabeth,all dishes and spoons were wooden,or,as they were called,“treene.”In her reign pewter platters and metal spoons came into use among farmers and persons of the same class.About the year 1580coaches were introduced:before that time ladies rode on a pillion behind their chief servants,whom they held by the belt.
6.Potatoes were brought by Sir Francis Drake from Santa Fe,in South America,and were first planted in Lancashire.They were introduced into Ireland by Sir Walter Ralegh.Ralegh also brought tobacco from the West Indies,and taught the English its use.Beef and mutton sold in the time of Henry the Eighth for a halfpenny per pound,veal and pork for three farthings.
7.The families of the nobles and gentry still dined in the great hall with all the servants.Halfway down the table stood a large salt-cellar of silver or pewter.The seats of honour were “above the salt.”There sat the master,his family,and guests.“Below the salt”sat retainers and servants of all degrees.The nobles kept up princely style.The Earl of Leicester,who owned Kenilworth Castle,kept arms there for 10,000men.There in 1576heentertained Elizabeth for seventeen days with the most splendid feasts and shows.
8.The countr y folks wore a doublet of russetbrown leather.But the court-fashions were,like those of our own day,always changing.The courtiers of Henry the Eighth stuffed their clothes as the King grew fat,in order that their figuresmight resemble his.Queen Catherine Howard introduced pins from France;and as these wereexpensive at first,a separate sum for this luxury was granted to the ladies by their husbands.Hence the expression “pinmoney.”
9.Ruffs of plaited linen were worn by both sexes on the neck and the wrists.These were at first held out by pieces of wood or of ivory,but in Elizabeth‘s time they were stiffened with yellow starch.The farthingale was introduced from Spain in Mary’s reign.It was a large hooped petticoat.Cloth hose were worn by all,until in the third year of her reign Elizabeth received a pair of blackRUFF.
a Kenilworth.-4.5miles north of Warwick.The old castle is still kept in fine preservation.
silk stockings.After that she wore no other kind.Three thousand dresses were found in the wardrobe of this Queen after her death!
10.The gentlemen wore their hair either short and curled or set up on end.Their beards were long and pointed.The costume of the yeomen of theaQueen‘s guard,commonly called “beef-eaters,”
dress worn by men in the Tudor Period.
gives a very good idea of the