
第10章 译品类型(4)










Nature of Translation


By translation here I specifically mean translating,the process of translation,in which something is translated,instead of the work translated.So far as the definition of translation is concerned,of course,it is very easy for us to copy one from a dictionary;that is,a rendering from one language into another,but that seems to be too general and simple.Various definitions have been given to translation. Now I"d like to cite some of them:

Translation is a science.

Translation is an art.

Translation is a craft.

Translation is a skill.

Translation is an operation.

Translation is a language activity.

Translation is communicating.

All the definitions mentioned above may be taken for reference because each of them is true when looked at from a certain angle.

Among them the first two are most important for they represent two schools - the school of science and the school of art.The former maintains that translating should reproduce the message of the original by means of the transformation of linguistic equivalence.It puts stress on the study of deion of the process of translation,and the structures and forms of language so as to reveal the objective laws inherent in translating.The latter school advocates re-creating a literary work by using expressions of another language.It emphasizes the effect of translation.Lin Yutang(1895-1976)was once a representative.In his essay On Translation he declares that translation is an art whose success depends upon one"s artistic talent and enough training.Besides these,there are no set rules for translation and there is no short cut for art.

In my opinion,both schools have their strong points and weak points so far as literary translation is concerned.Now there is a tendency to combine their theories into a comprehensive one.As a matter of fact,literary translation has a double nature.That"s to say,on the one hand,it is a science with its own laws and methods and on the other hand,it is an art.Now let’s have a further discussion of its double nature in the following…

Excerpts from Ten Lectures on Literary Translation by Liu Zhongde


A continuous concomitant of contact between two mutually incomprehensible tongues and one that does not lead either to suppression or extension of either is translation.As soon as two speakers of different languages need to converse,translation is necessary,either through a third party or directly.

Before the invention and diffusion of writing,translation was instantaneous and oral;persons professionally specializing in such work were called interpreters.In predominantly or wholly literate comm- unities,translation is thought of as the conversion of a written text in one language into a written text in another,though the modern emergence of the simultaneous translator or professional interpreter at international conferences keeps the oral side of translation very much alive.

At the other end of the translator"s spectrum,technical prose dealing with internationally agreed scientific subjects is probably the easiest type of material to translate,because cultural unification(in this respect),lexical correspondences,and stylistic similarity already exist in this type of usage in the languages most commonl yinvolved,to a higher degree than in other fields of discourse.