
第9章 译品类型(3)



译要是以翻译为手段对原文作摘要,即从原文中抽出主题内容,以简练的译入语写成摘要,而不是就已有的摘要来译出摘要。国际标准ISO 214-76对“文摘”一词的解释为an abbreviated accurate representation of the contents of a document without added interpreta- tion or criticism(对原文献内容准确扼要的表述,不加以解释或评论)。





指示性文摘(indicative abstract)是对标题的扩大或是对标题的补充说明,只要简明地译出论题的涉及范围、研究目的、研究方向、主要结果或主要原理等即可。例如:




The Hainan Development Bank is the first bank in China to close down in 50 years.It has attracted world-wide attention,especially because of Asia’s severe financial crisis.



资料性文摘(informative abstract)是译出原文提供的主要情境和基本事实,或译出原文讨论的主题范围、研究对象(装置、流程、工艺、材料、病况等)、原理、试验研究的手段、方法、结果和结论,并译出主要数据、公式和图表。资料性文摘相对较长(按原文长度的比例而言),一般情况下,读者不看原文,即可从文摘中获得主要资料。例如:

Hormones Could Curb Broken Hips in Women

By Oliver Gillie,Medical Editor

Women who have passed through the menopause should consider taking extra female hormones to prevent bone fractures,the Royal College of Physicians said yesterday.

Its advice follows a two-fold increase in hip fractures in oldpeople over the past 20 years.The increase is probably the result of changes in lifestyle,particularly a decline in the amount of exercise people take.

More than 46,000 people a year suffer hip fractures in England and Wales and about a quarter die as a result.Many more never regain full mobility.The hospital costs are about £160 a year,the college says in a new report.

Women are most vulnerable after the age of 50 because calcium lost from bones more rapidly when female hormones decline after the menopause.Hip fractures are most common in older women:almost 60 percent occur in women over 75.

Middle-aged women vary in the amount of calcium lost from their bones;one third suffer heavy losses,making them much more vulnerable to fractures.These women may be detected by screening methods which involve shining a light beam through the wrist,but this method is not widely available.

Dr.John Kanis,reader in human metabolism at Sheffield Univer- sity,said,“Female hormones help to prevent loss of calcium from bones.After the menopause some female hormone is still produced in body fat but thin women produce very little female hormone and so they should have hormone replacement therapy[extra female hormones].

“Women who have their ovaries removed surgically and women who have a premature menopause[while they are in their early 40s or younger]should have hormone replacement therapy because they start losing calcium from their bones earlier.

“Heavy smokers and heavy drinkers should also have hormonere- placement therapy because they produce less female hormone- naturally.”

However,medical opinion differs on the therapy.Sir Raymond- Hoffenberg,president of the college,said,“It is advisable for all women over 50 to have hormone replacement therapy,except for certain women who should not take it because there is an increased risk of breast cancer if close relatives have had the disease.”

However,loss of calcium can also be prevented by taking exercise and eating foods rich in calcium(best sources:milk and milk products,canned fish eaten with bones,dark-green leafy vegetables).

Fractured Neck of Femur: Prevention and Management.Royal College of Physicians,11 St.Andrews Place,London,NW14E.

英国皇家医学院建议绝经后的妇女应考虑额外摄取雌性激素以预防骨折。过去20年,老年人髋部骨折病例增加两倍。在英格兰和威尔士两地,每年有46 000多人患髋部骨折,其中约1/4因此丧生,有更多人活动功能受阻。50岁以上妇女易致髋部骨折,因为绝经后雌性激素水平下降,骨内钙质迅速损耗。其中,75岁以上妇女的病例约占60%。在如何治疗方面,医学家意见有分歧。



资料-指示性文摘(informative-indicative abstract)是资料性和指示性兼容的文摘。这类文摘占整文的比例介于上述两种文摘之间。由于文摘长度受限制或者文献类型关系,要求对文献中的基本内容作较为详细的指导性介绍,而对其他部分则作指示性的表述。例如下列已从原文(略)摘出的文摘及其译文:

Production-Oriented Structural Design of Large Ships

Design of ships such as a 240,000 dwt tanker and a 150,000 dwt OBO carrier to facilitate economic production without loss of ship efficiency involves simplification,standardization,minimum weld lengths,and the selection of hull components and assemblies with ease of production and assembly in view.Considerations oftransport,storage,assembly,erection,prefabrication and fitting out at an early stage are discussed.


