《黄飞鸿》——Once Upon a Time in China
《太极张三丰》——Twin Warriors
《东方不败之风云再起》——Swordsman 3:The East is Red
Hey,look at the chick over there. 喂,看那边的小鸡。
You are such a dish. 你是如此的一盘菜。
点评:倘若你的女伴经过精心打扮,明艳动人地站在你的面前时,你可千万不要顺口溜出“You are such a dish.”来评价她,我保证她立马就会甩下你愤然离开。虽然“You are such a dish.”是评价她是个绝色美人,但你的女伴兴许并不知道这一层意思,倘若她要是把你的赞美理解成说她是一盘菜的话,相信她一定不会再理你了。所以,与其容易造成误会,还不如说“You look stunning tonight.”
You wear monkey clothes. It is fit to you very much.
点评:明明是赞美的话,结果却很容易引来他人的白眼。“monkey clothes”其实是礼服的意思,但这个意思没几个中国人知道。你如果非要这么评价他的话,那就别怕麻烦,在说完这句话之后,告诉对方它是什么意思。
Your wife is out of this world. 你的老婆去世了。
点评:老外通常都会带着老婆参加各种盛宴,并且他们都有称赞对方老婆的优点。所以问题也就出在这儿。倘若你要是对一个中国人说“Your wife is out of this world.”并且他的老婆还在跟前儿的话,相信对方一定会跟你拼命不可!其实这句话的意思是:你的老婆美丽得超凡脱俗,仿佛不似人间女子。但估计这种表达方式也只有老外能听懂。
You’re really something. 你真是个东西。
点评:我国人比较忌讳的骂人词就是“你真是个东西”或“你真不是个东西”,但在老外口中“You’re really something.”意味着夸奖别人很了不起,这就引起了最本质的冲突。所以想要称赞中国人的话,还是了解清楚再开口的好。
You are cut out to be an actor. 你被切割成演员的形状。
You are a Mac Daddy. 你是个皮条客。
点评:其实这句话的意思是在赞美对方是个万人迷,但“Mac Daddy”的本意确实是皮条客的意思。中国有句骂人话是“你个拉皮条的”,所以这句话是坚决不适合拿来赞美人的。
You are death on the piano. 你死在钢琴上。
点评:咒人死是十分不礼貌的行为,这在中国是大忌!所以不管对方是在哪一方面很擅长,都不能这么赞美他。即便对方知道“You are death on the piano.”是赞美自己在钢琴上的造诣高,但听起来还是会觉得很不舒服!所以说这样的赞美话还不如不要。
You went whole hog in planning her New Year’s Eve party.
点评:你明明是在夸赞她工作做得好,全心全意地投入到筹划新年晚会上,但估计对方听到这句话,也只能记得你在说她是一头猪。“go whole hog in”指的是全心全意的意思,但同时它也有指“猪”的意思,但大部分的中国人还是会对“猪”敏感些。所以千万不要说出这句话,它会十分打击对方的积极性,倘若对方耿耿于怀,这还会影响工作的进程。
Break a leg! 摔断你的腿!
点评:老美的常用鼓励句,意味着“祝成功!”但中国人不常用这一句,当他们听到这句话时会想你是个什么意思,祝他把腿摔断?这也太恶毒了吧!所以,当对方要参加什么比赛或演出时,你想为对方打气,高叫出“Break a leg!”相信对方一定会先将你的leg给打断了!
时光飞逝 — time is always against us
一言难尽 — it’s a long story
眼见为实 — seeing is believing
一如既往 — the same as usual
隔墙有耳 — the walls have ears
笨鸟先飞 — a slow sparrow should make an early start
辞旧迎新 — bid farewell to the old and usher in the new;
ring out the old year and ring in the new
不遗余力 — spare no effort
大开眼界 — broaden one’s horizon
国泰民安 — the country flourishes and people live in peace
过犹不及 — beyond is as wrong as falling short
和气生财 — harmony brings wealth
既往不咎 — let bygones be bygones
金玉满堂 ——treasures fill the home
脚踏实地 — be down-to-earth
礼尚往来 — courtesy calls for reciprocity
马到成功 — achieve immediate victory;win instant success
名利双收 — gain in both fame and wealth
茅塞顿开 — be suddenly enlightened
弄巧成拙 — be too smart by half;cunning outwits itself
拿手好戏 — masterpiece
抛砖引玉 — a modest spur to induce others to come forward
with valuable contributions
破釜沉舟 — burn one’s own way of retreat and be
determined to fight to the end
抢得先机 — take the preemptive opportunities
强强联手 — win-win co-operation
人海战术 — huge-crowd strategy
世外桃源 — a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil
of the world
死而后已 — until my heart stops beating
岁岁平安 — peace all year round
三十而立 — a man should be independent at the age of thirty;
at thirty,a man should be able to think for himself
升级换代 — updating and upgrading
四十不惑 — life begins at forty
水涨船高 — when the river rises,the boat floats high
时不我待 — time and tide wait for no man
实事求是 — seek truth from facts
实话实说 — speak the plain truth
韬光养晦 — hide one’s capacities and bide one’s time
糖衣炮弹 — sugar-coated bullets
歪风邪气 — unhealthy practices and evil phenomena
往事如风 — what in past,is past
望子成龙 — hold high hopes for one’s child
文韬武略 — military expertise
唯利是图 — draw water to one’s mill
无中生有 — make create something out of nothing
徇私枉法 — bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends
蓄势而发 — accumulate strength for a take-off
心想事成 — may all your wish come true
心照不宣 — have a tacit understanding
先入为主 — first impressions are firmly entrenched
先下手为强 — catch the ball before the bound
现身说法 — warn people by taking oneself as an example
息事宁人 — pour oil on troubled waters
喜忧参半 — mingled hope and fear
循序渐进 — step by step
鱼米之乡 — a land of milk and honey
有识之士 — people of vision
有勇无谋 — use brawn rather than brain
与时俱进 — advance with times
以人为本 — people oriented
因材施教 — teach students according to their aptitude
优胜劣汰 — survival of the fittest
冤假错案 — cases in which people were unjustly,falsely or
wrongly charged or sentenced
招财进宝 — money and treasures will be plentiful
债台高筑 — become debt-ridden
致命要害 — Achilles’heel