
第29章 简评《男人的一半是女人》的英译本(1)

《男人的一半是女人》是当代著名作家张贤亮比较重要且颇有争议的一部小说,1985年在《收获》第五期发表后,立刻引起热烈的反响。许多读者“街谈巷议”,闻讯抢购,杂志顷刻脱销。在短短的两三个月里,《小说月报》《作品与争鸣》《新华文摘》和《文艺报》等全国颇有影响的刊物和报纸相继发表预告,介绍转载。《文汇报》《当代作家评论》等报刊还发表了评论和争鸣的文章。《人民日报》《羊城晚报》等报纸刊登了“评论综述”和“发言纪要”。几个出版社同时抢印出书。在这部作品在国内名噪一时的同时,自然也引起国外的关注。于是外文译本也随之出现。《男人的一半是女人》究竟有几个英译本,笔者没有考证过,手头仅有的为英国企鹅图书出版公司(Penguin Books Ltd)于1988年出版(Viking)的玛莎·艾夫里(MarthaAvery)女士的英译本。现将这个英译本的得与失简评如下,以求正于方家。


玛莎·艾夫里作为John Wiley and Sons 出版社的科技代理曾在中国工作过六年多时间,去过好多地方。她1970年开始学汉语,获得过中文、日文的相关学位。从个人受教育及生活经历等背景来看,应当说她承译像《男人的一半是女人》这样的中文作品还是合适的。首先,作为一个母语为英语的人,艾夫里译文的英文表达就不会有什么问题(除非对中文理解有误)。其次,她先后在中国生活过近10年时间,并且学过汉语,对中国文化有较广的接触和较深的感受,因此对原作的理解也应当说是能够到位的。总的来说,艾夫里对张贤亮《男人的一半是女人》这部小说的翻译是成功的,译文基本上传达了原作的信息内容和风格神韵,文体、语气基本一致,最大的优势是英文表述地道,文笔流畅、自然。对读之后,确有地道的原文、地道的译文之感。


Above,a deep blue sky.Below,the dark green land.Transparent,profound,beautiful.But squashed in between these two were black lines of human beings.


A woman’s anger is like a river flowing out into the desert:at the beginning it is turbulent and surging,but after it has run on for a while it begins to disappear.



‘You’ve been in jail twice over these years,well,don’t laugh,I’ve been married twice.Comes to the same thing.At times,I think jail must be easier to take than marriage.The first time,I didn’t tell him I’d been in the camps,and I lived in fear that he would find out.When he eventually did,he asked for a divorce.The second time,at the White Sands Commune,I told him all about my past from the very start.After that,he was always bringing it up again,holding it against me.In the end I couldn’t take it,and I asked him for a divorce.First time,he didn’t want me; second time,I didn’t want him.One to one,even!So that’s life.I’m not getting married again.’



At the age of eight,Old Lady Ma had been sold into a Shangdong household as a child bride.

将“童养媳”译为“achild bride”,译得醒豁、准确,令人佩服。


“Hey,this where I’m supposed to work?”


“Screw it!Thin ones are easier to carry.”


“You go work it out for yourself.”

这些日常口语也译得贴切、鲜活,用“this where I’m supposedto”来译“我是在这儿……”、用“Screw it”译“管它呢”、用“workout”译“捉摸”都符合中英文表达习惯,口气如之,语意如之。




His hatred for “class enemies”was a result of his total belief in revolution.If the leaders said the “cow ghosts and snake demons”were bad men,then surely they were evil.

这里艾夫里增加了“class enemies”一词,并用其置换“牛鬼蛇神”,把后者调整到第二句里,末了再对其加个脚注:Literally“cow ghosts and snake demons”,this is usually translated as“classenemies of all kinds,”or“forces of evil”.这样处理,英文读者还能有什么不懂的呢?


Think about it,Starting from 1957,I became a pawn of the “movements”— I became a “Movement Man”.Between jail and hard labour,how was there any chance to find a wife,let alone talk about love?

将“运动员”直译为“movement man”保留了原文的形象感,第二句增补的between jail and hard labour 又映衬出“movementman”的真实含义。


You damn “Stinking Nines”will always be taking somebody else’s whip to thrash yourselves.

对这种专得少见的政治词语,直译加注是唯一的办法。艾氏的脚注为:The author explains:“From 1966 to 1976,the extremeleftists within the Communist Party divided ‘class enemies’ intoninekindsofpeople:Landlords,richfarmers,counter -revolutionaries,bad elements,rightist elements,capitalist roaders,spies,traitors and intellectuals.In general,‘Stinking Nines’referred to intellectuals.”


“Ah me,”Song Jiang said.“Each age has it own problems.If there is really no possibility of you little crickets and ants rectifying the situation and saving the god of the grain(i.e.the country)then the least you can do is get out and butcher those two dogs sleeping in your house.At least set an example for what happens to the wicked in this world.”

“rectifying the situation”和 “the country”这几个词的增补,使“社稷”这个很古的词的意思通俗易懂,一目了然。



“Pretty or not,she’s the one.They say that ‘after three years in the army,even a sow looks like a woman’!Well,I spent eight years in the army.I married as soon as I got out,and who cared if she was pretty or not!”

